Annapolis Arts, Crafts and Wine Festival

Come one, come all!  I will be selling Little Leona at this festival next weekend, June 4-5 from 10-6.  Lots going on including wine, jazz music and of course, many vendors.  It is in the Navy Stadium, rain or shine.  See link for details:

Gaithersburg Book Festival

We are only days away from the Gaithersburg Book Festival, scheduled for Saturday, May 21.  This is my first book festival and I'm excited to be included.  I've been trying to figure out how to decorate my booth.  I convinced my sister to sew a fire flag I found on Pinterest.

 If there's just a little bit of wind, it should make for a nice effect.  I've also decided to make a small fire out of plastic.  


I am totally out of my depth here.  Also on Pinterest, it looks easy enough.  It would be ironic if I started a fire while trying to promote my fire safety book!